Our Team

Our government relations professionals have a demonstrated history of successfully advising local government clients and advancing their policy interests and projects at the federal level. Our clients include cities, counties, and other public entities such as housing authorities, transportation agencies, school districts, parks districts, and water districts. We are proud to support those jurisdictions in urban, suburban, and rural settings across several states.

Our policy expertise covers the full range of issues impacting local governments, their constituents, and community partners, encompassing both human capital and the build environment.

We offer insight on how local governments can work with federal partners to modernize infrastructure and revitalize communities with our focus areas in transportation, housing, community and economic development, energy, resiliency, and water resources. Our team also advises local officials seeking to better support residents through federal investments in public safety, health and human services, education, workforce development, small business, youth programming, and the arts and humanities.

With the support of the federal government, we believe that city and county officials can help harness the full potential of their constituents and communities.

Jen Covino

Jen Covino is the President of Covino Smith & Simon. She serves as the lead federal advocate for cities, counties, special district governments, and other public entities represented by the firm. She provides strategic guidance to local elected officials and public administrators, while functioning as the primary liaison to Members of Congress and the Administration. Jen manages legislative advocacy, regulatory analysis, federal funding opportunities, strategic partnerships, and coalition-building activities.

Jen’s service advancing the federal interests of local government clients started when she joined the firm, which was then known as Simon and Company, Inc., as an Associate in 2011. She continued to serve clients in subsequent roles as Director of Intergovernmental Affairs and Vice President. Her policy expertise includes transportation and infrastructure, community and economic development, housing, climate, public safety, civil rights, emergency management, human services, social services, and the arts.

Jen is proud of our accomplishments helping clients to secure grants, Congressionally Directed Spending, tax credits, and other federal resources available to support local projects and initiatives. She has supported the work of local elected officials elected by their peers to serve as officers of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities.

Jen held previous roles in transportation planning and sustainability with Boston University and TranSComm. A proud Bostonian, she received a Bachelor of Arts from Boston University with a double major in History and American Studies in 2011. Jen relocated to the District to attend the George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Administration, graduating with a Master of Public Administration in 2013.

Aly Hernandez

Aly Hernandez is a proud Midwesterner from Kansas City, Missouri. She joined Covino Smith & Simon as an Intergovernmental Affairs Associate in August 2021. Her legislative portfolio consists of issues related to immigration, homeland security, justice, health and human services, housing and homelessness, agriculture, education, defense, and veteran affairs. Prior to joining the firm, Aly served as External Affairs Manager for Mayor Quinton D. Lucas in Kansas City, Missouri and as Community Liaison for Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II.

In the Mayor’s Office, Aly worked to advance the administration's priorities: improving public safety, providing affordable housing, enhancing opportunity, and improving basic city services. She contributed to various initiatives such as the implementation of zero fare transit in the city, passage of two ordinances focused on gun policy reform, and the adoption of two ordinances focused on funding allocations for the local police department. In the Congressman’s Office, Aly worked on legislative correspondence and constituent casework with the U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development, Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, Justice, and State.

A first-generation college student, Aly received her master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) Bloch School of Management. She has two Bachelor of Arts degrees from the UMKC in Criminal Justice & Criminology and French Language & Literature. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and French.

Aly has served on several boards for nonprofit organizations, including Gilda’s Club of Kansas City, ReDiscover Mental Health, the Harmony Project KC, and the Columbian Cultural Association, and she was a mayoral appointee to the Kansas City Brownfields Commission. She is a member of the UMKC Bloch School of Management Alumni Board.

David Gellman

David Gellman, Strategic Advisor, joined the team as an Associate in January 2019. David’s legislative policy areas of focus include budget and appropriations, transportation, infrastructure, commerce, telecommunications, energy, natural resources, economic development, and financial services. He manages the firm’s submission process for Congressionally Directed Spending or Community Project Funding requests to Members of Congress and their staff to help advance our clients’ goals for local projects or programs.

Prior to joining Covino Smith & Simon, David served in a number of legislative roles on Capitol Hill and in the private sector. During his time working for the U.S. Congress, David served as a Legislative Aide for Congressman Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, the Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee, and as a Deputy Scheduler and Staff Assistant for former Congressman Ted Deutch of Florida. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Breakthrough Miami Alumni Network, elected as Vice President and Chair of the Finance Committee.

David holds a Master of Public Administration from the George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration, where he graduated as a Bryce Harlow Fellow and a member of Pi Alpha Alpha. He holds a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Government and minor in Spanish from Georgetown University. He is fluent in Spanish.

Stephanie Carter McIntosh

Stephanie Carter McIntosh, a native Washingtonian, serves as the Manager of Special Projects at Covino Smith & Simon. She oversees our accounting and provides administrative support to our professional staff. Stephanie has effectively served our clients for more than 20 years.

Stephanie previously held positions at the Library of Congress and HQ Business Centers. She is an active member of her son’s Parent Teacher Association, the MaMa Sisterhood of Prince George’s County, and her church, where she serves on the hospitality committee. Stephanie loves the opportunity to help and work with young children when she can, as it is a true passion of hers. She regularly volunteers in community events.

Stephanie is a graduate of Virginia State University, located in Petersburg, VA, with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology. Stephanie also studied elementary education at Trinity College.