Federal advocacy for local governments

Our comprehensive advocacy strategies utilize the following work streams to advance the federal priorities of local elected officials and public administrators:

  • Intergovernmental Relations

  • Legislative Monitoring & Advocacy

  • Regulatory Analysis

  • Federal Funding Opportunities

  • Coalition-Building Activities

  • Executive Communications

  • Intergovernmental Relations

    Establishing or enhancing your relationships with the Administration, Members of Congress, and other appropriate stakeholders or influencers

  • Legislative Monitoring and Advocacy

    Tracking bills throughout the legislative process, articulating positions, and working with Members of Congress, staff, and coalitions to influence language or outcomes

  • Regulatory Analysis

    Reviewing proposed rule makings, assessing and communicating potential local impact, and drafting and submitting public comments

  • Federal Funding Opportunities

    Identifying federal resources including grants, earmarks, tax credits, and credit assistance available to advance local projects or initiatives, offering consultation to local staff throughout application process, and advocating for those proposals

  • Coalition Building Activities

    Working with nonpartisan organizations, particularly intergovernmental associations, in support of or in opposition to legislative or regulatory proposals

  • Executive Communications

    Drafting communications on behalf of Mayors, Council Members, or City Managers to articulate positions on federal developments, announce local initiatives, or respond to national matters of concern to cities or counties

Our team is honored to provide these federal advocacy services to urban, suburban, and rural communities across several states.